The Virgin Next Door by Stasia Black



Sometimes people needed to die.There was a certain kind of evil where there was nothing to do but to kill it.

Mackenzie ‘Mack’ Knight had learned this lesson early. He’d gotten a full ride academic scholarship to Harvard and hadn’t come home for Thanksgiving because he’d been busy studying for finals. But he’d finished his Philosophy term paper early. He wanted to make it home to surprise his mother on her birthday.

That was when he found her on the floor. Two black eyes and a broken nose.

“He didn’t mean it.” She kept repeating it over and over. “He’s a good man. I upset him. He didn’t mean it.”

When she wouldn’t give him a name, Mack tore through all her shit. Found her phone. Found the fucker’s name.

Mack tore out of the house. But not before grabbing his baseball bat.

Then he went and took care of evil.

The only thing he regretted when the police took him away in cuffs three hours later was that he hadn’t finished the job.